Verse of the day
င︀ႆ︀းꩫ︀ႆ︀ႇꩬ︀ီ ꩫ︀င︀်ပ︀ူဝ်ၸ︀ြႃးပ︀ီꩫ︀်ႈꩡ︀ဝ်ႛꩬ︀ူ ꩫ︀ီႈမ︀ႅတ︀်ႉတ︀ီမ︀်ႈက︀ုမ︀်ꩫ︀က︀ꩫ︀်ႈ ꩬ︀ူက︀ေႃႇꩡ︀ႂ်ႈတ︀ီမ︀်ႈက︀ုမ︀်က︀ꩫ︀်ႈတ︀ႃႉ။
Matthew 5:48Welcome to our website
Here, you can know how the Lord Jesus Christ saved you and how He leads you everyday.
And also you can learn how to read and write Tai Khamti language.
Things to read, to listen and to watch concerning Bible

Snow mountain, Putao

Tai Khamti Dress
Prayer Meeting for Mission. COC. Namti

Christmas , Church of Christ, Namti (2020)
Resurrection worship service, Church of Christ, Namti

Resurrection worship service, Church of Christ, Namti
Leaders and families, Church of Christ, Namti
Church members, Church of Christ, Namti(2005)

Tai Khamti Bible dedication service, Namti, 2024

Church members, Church of Christ (Tai Khamti), Putao

25th Jubilee, Church of Christ, Namti

25th Jubilee, Church of Christ, Namti